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Tornado Game needs help.

Registered User
2019-07-22 01:22:59

I'm working on a game based on the May 3rd 1999 Moore Oklahoma tornado and i am pretty sure that it will require the use of the physics engine and the wind, but anything else us beyond me. Could you guys give me some pointers.

2019-07-26 11:38:37

I'm also going to include some crazy weather in my game with tornadoes etc.

From an initial look into this you would need to import an animated mesh that shows the form of the tornado and have it animate and move around the map with appropriate sounds and damage with things flying around as it came close (use physics engine maybe).

You would add suitable color to make it look real and that might be enough...the actual physics to throw stuff around would take some work though in I would expect...

Registered User
2019-11-01 14:30:10

I could probably have paths set up and have some static 3d meshes travel around the paths which will move with the main tornado.

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