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CCB Encrypt?

Registered User
2019-08-19 12:38:26

As the title, how to do that..?
My game would be able load levels externally and i wont people access (and edit) it in order to make the game easier..

Registered User
2019-08-21 16:25:28

yes this would be amazing to know as well!

Registered User
2019-08-30 16:49:27

Agreed since i'm the ideator .
I might add this as a feature request if people agree with this.

Registered User
2019-08-30 18:22:30


2019-09-02 09:35:01


yes please

Registered User
2019-09-07 01:38:38

I don't know of a way to encrypt specific CCB file but you can always place all your game files into a single encrypted exe file (container). For my game I'm using MoleBox and it's very easy to pack everything into single a exe file.
There's a payed version & MoleBox GPL version that is free.
Bad advice, sorry, the MoleBox seems to trigger antivirus programs, it's stupid since there is no virus in the program itself but the way that files are being packed by it, for some reason, looks suspicious to antivirus programs :/

Registered User
2019-10-15 15:49:39

It’s called a false positive. Antivirus programs are not very smart and see plenty of new software as containing viruses where none exist.


2019-10-16 07:04:40

It’s called a false positive. Antivirus programs are not very smart and see plenty of new software as containing viruses where none exist.


A few alternative suggestions to encryption:

- change extension to any local save files from .dat to .bin (binary). This will deter most people from opening (except programmers).
- change extension of main game files to a video file or something else instead of .ccb
- have all main variables load in the encrypted exe file so at least nothing will run in the separate level .ccb files and if anyone tried redoing your game would take ages to get it working.
- can change sound files from .ogg to many other extensions like .s to make it more difficult and less obvious

Not great solutions but best CC can offer unless you want to go with another engine...Skyline (SGE) for example.

2019-11-09 00:54:23

I don't know of a way to encrypt specific CCB file but you can always place all your game files into a single encrypted exe file (container). For my game I'm using MoleBox and it's very easy to pack everything into single a exe file.
There's a payed version & MoleBox GPL version that is free.
Bad advice, sorry, the MoleBox seems to trigger antivirus programs, it's stupid since there is no virus in the program itself but the way that files are being packed by it, for some reason, looks suspicious to antivirus programs :/

I safeguard my game (just key javascript) from anyone who tries to open with the editor by having any and all variables used to run the game saved in the encrypted 'exe' file that initially loads up before anything else.

The exe then loads the intro screen from a separate ccb file before loading another ccb file for each game level. Only variables/arrays stay in memory when switching between levels and the intro scene.

Trying to run any single 'ccb' scene by itself will not work at all well due to the multitude of missing variables and even the path and extensions referenced to load up of new levels & music is a variable in itself and cannot be seen.... seems to work ok...

Registered User
2019-12-23 14:46:21

Take your tech support scams elsewhere.

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