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NoNameYet Pre-Alpha Demo!

Registered User
2019-08-24 02:18:19

Hi all!

I made a pre-alpha demo for my game project.
Here's the link:

Any feedback it greatly appreciated!

*Actually, the description should be more than this. But when i pressed submit, i just realized that my wifi turned off. And when i turned it back on, the descriptions were unsaved *

Registered User
2019-08-24 19:23:33

Well there's not much to do at this moment but I like the players hands & weapon, they look very Roblox-like which is great.
I must admit that the thing I found most interesting is actually the file format you used in the GameData folder: TLF, TMF & TSF extensions :)
What is that? My programs managed to identify TSF as OGG files and when I renamed extensions it played fine as OGG. Also TMF was identified as PCX, so I managed to open them too. I didn't find anything however for TLF and was unable to open them.
Very interesting, on the web I found something called Nintendo 64 Emulator that seemed like it supported that file extensions.

Registered User
2019-08-25 15:01:48

Aw, man!
You revealed my secret! Now i have to use other formats for the images and sounds.. XD

.TMF is "Tristan's Material File", basically a .PCX
.TSF is "Tristan's Sound File, basically an .OGG
.TLF is "Tristan's Level File, basically a .CCB

But while waiting for someone to answer a question i asked (, i made the .tlf (.ccb) to read-only..

Next update, .tmp & .tsf will have different formats. Plz don't leak the secret again.. XD

Registered User
2019-08-25 16:05:13


Sorry, didn't mean to bust the extensions, it was just interesting trying to open them :) Next time I'll keep my bazoo shut :)
Encrypting the CCBs would be a good thing, especially if they are outside of the exe file.

Registered User
2019-08-25 23:04:38

Nah, it's okay. Not a big deal ^^
Anyway, cool meme! XD

Encrypting the CCBs would be a good thing, especially if they are outside of the exe file.

Sounds like i have one person agreed with my idea!
Wish @niko read this

Registered User
2019-08-26 03:54:15

Nice graphics, but wow, the walk sound is very loud! Lower the volume of it or replace it even (I noticed it plays 2 footsteps even if you press the "move" key and let go right away)

Registered User
2019-08-26 19:33:41

Thanks for the feedback!! :D
I will remake the footstep sounds. And:
(I noticed it plays 2 footsteps even if you press the "move" key and let go right away)

Yes, i made it like that intentionally. Cuz theoritically, you need to take at least to steps while strafing to shoot properly

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