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contact.php hyperlinks removed?
Registered User
2019-09-28 18:06:15

Hello, I was wondering why no one was emailing me when I discovered that all of my contact hyperlinks no longer reference my contact.php. the add hyperlink function no longer recognises a .php file for some reason. I select page from this project, click on contact.php and when returned to the hyperlink page, the file has not been chosen.

Thoughts? Ben

2019-09-29 06:10:49

That's strange, maybe you can send me the .rcd file, and I'll have a look at it. (See support -> contact, there is an email address written on the top)

As workaround: Create a new page, choose "create copy of existing page", choose your contact page. Then delete the old one, and update all links to link to the new one. This could help, whatever the reason for that problem might be.
Registered User
2019-09-29 14:30:52

Hello, I did the copy option and the program recognises my new PHP file, thank you. I was going to email the .RCD file to you but it is 50 megs! It is too big to send by email.


2019-09-30 05:46:58

Nice that it works now for you. Yes, makes sense. If you like, you could delete all pages except one which links to the contact page and the contact page itself, and then send me that, it would really help to improve the editor.

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