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Game test doesn't update?

Registered User
2019-10-23 23:39:00

It's probably only me, but I haven't had the chance to fully test this engine, I had plenty of issues.

-Sometimes the project play test doesn't update, I tried fresh projects, I change the texture of the cube, press on play and it doesn't show new texture, fix? Press save as and change the name... (It happen often, so... Probably not the best aproach)

-Sometimes the lighting gets bugged, instead of smooth perfect shading it shows some blocky ugly shading (To fix this you need a new project)

I saw the projects made with this engine, seems imposible to make them with these issues.

I'm using Windows 7, that could be a problem?

2019-10-24 15:23:04

The light needs to be remapped if you want to use static light maps. The default dynamic shadows looks poor in my opinion so I don't use it. I only use point lights and shadows from that.

I don't even use static light maps as large scenes can take many hours to calculate - one time took 7 hours (not kidding).

2019-10-25 14:14:52

Do you have white textures in the game?
I myself came across a texture problem. As a result, I realized that with this error, you need to transfer the file to the disk where you have CopperCube installed.

Registered User
2019-10-26 17:54:59

I got a trick with dynamic lighthing.

Here is the update issue

I'm probably dumping this engine, now I'm getting an importing error from blender, you have to set location and scale as 0 for all objects before exporting...

Is good, but it needs more updates

Registered User
2019-10-26 17:57:15


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