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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube
Static meshes - inconsistent point lighting

2020-01-16 04:37:07

I have lots of 3D static meshes I use for indoor buildings and wish to illuminate from being dark by a moving point light attached to the player (bit like a torch).

This works like 70% of the time but for some strange reason the lighting is inconsistent. Where the point light is located, some parts are very bright while others receive no light at all - even directly under the point light...???!!

I thought it must be the mesh but no, I tried like 5 others ones made by different people and each time the same thing happens... it appears to be CC and the point light itself...

I have tried clearing vertex colors and then recalculating normals and tangents etc and very slightly better but not by much...

Anyone have any suggestions to this problem ??

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