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scene graphics quality difference in webgl and windows

Registered User
2020-02-28 08:11:53

when I publish my scene as webgl (html) form, the quality of graphics of all the game objects such as prefabes and textures are very unnatural. in windows all things are good. but in webgl no. for example this is the blacksmoke (and fire) in windows:

and this is that blacksmoke in webgl:

is there any option in CC to correct it?

also controlling the mouse (cursor) in webgl is very hard. camera movement is not stable.

Registered User
2020-02-28 16:29:16

1: I understand that your say there are WebGL issues, but since it IS webGL, you could upload it so that people with different computers can see if it is repeatable :D

2: Yes the cursor could be slow if the browser is slow if the computer that it is running on is slow :D

Registered User
2020-02-28 17:43:22

1: I understand that your say there are WebGL issues, but since it IS webGL, you could upload it so that people with different computers can see if it is repeatable :D

2: Yes the cursor could be slow if the browser is slow if the computer that it is running on is slow :D

1: I'm testing CC exported file (exe and webgl) in one laptop and their quality are different. the issue is this difference and not my computer or your computer.

2: I think I've to explain it. I mean I don't have control on my pointer in webgl. when I enable "the Use pointer lock for FPS cameras", only after mouse's left click, browser enables control on pointer. how to enable it without left click?

Registered User
2020-02-29 01:43:16

I have no idea what you are saying for number one.

As for number 2, you will not be able to make it auto mouse lock, user interaction is required, this is not a bug in CopperCube, this is security feature implemented in modern browsers.

Can you imagining while you are browsing web sites and they suddenly go fullscreen and do mouse lock ?
That is why this will NEVER be possible WITHOUT user's consent, this is a GOOD thing.

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