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Action Order

2020-03-20 01:06:21

Hey I've made two behaviors with A LOT of actions under "Before First Drawing". Though I need to change which one runs first, cause one affects the other, but right now the wrong one is at the bottom and I think it doesn't run, it needs to be above the other one. But how? Without redoing all over the actions... (took SO long)

2020-03-20 20:12:41

Gosh I'd hope someone would answer

2020-03-20 20:12:45

Gosh I'd hope someone would answer

2020-03-20 20:12:57

Gosh I'd hope someone would answer

2020-03-20 20:22:05

Guess I'll figure :/

2020-03-20 20:22:30

didnt mean to send the same thing 3 times

Registered User
2020-03-22 05:15:43

Sorry no one has answered you yet... well hello sailor! I am in a similar boat as as you, lol - I can see you from here!... so my problem is....

I made many codes to this one npc so it can roam around the sidewalks of a little village I made and can make decisions as to where (which locations) it would like to visit... mall, park, beach, etc.. NOW, Coppercube is such that if I wanted a Second npc to do the same, instead of me just referencing the npc to the huge code I had made for the first npc, I will have to code over again with new and different variables!!! if only there was something like a qualifier which held code in it which served for who ever object was tagged with it!
A google to the net, and 2 magic words 1-Extends + 2-Super in javascript says it does the magic, but NO,,,, Coppercube does not support that either.... this has made me think about Godot.. but I don't know how to code.... so... I'm still sailing the infinite waters...

2020-03-22 08:18:35

@Jay unfortunately there is currently no way to change the order of actions and behaviors....

There are 2 methods of doing this with coppercube...
If you are using javascript code (same for more than one node )

Then you can simply create a folder in the scenegraph ecplorer and put all the objects or scenenodes on which you want your code to be executed than....
Add the code to that folder node by executing the javascript code...
Now use a for loop to get all the children of that folder and then execute your code there....
If you haven't seen or downloaded my helix jump example then please do have a look at it....
It uses the same method to rotate and change position of the floor tiles... Without having to write code for each and every tile... I used the child node as a reference and applied that to all the child node of the folder...

Here is the link to the thread to helix jump file

Or if you aren't using javascript and has beaviours and actions attached then you can simply apply all the actions and vehaviors to one node and then copy paste the behvaiors to other nodes....

Simply by pressing ctrl+B to copy and ctrl +J to paste....

Hope that helps!

2020-03-24 22:32:56

Thanks a lot, that's what I thought, so I have to spend ALOT more tine on simple things I guess

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