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Screen tear in full screen

2020-05-31 03:20:28

I just noticed a problem if anyone has a solution :

I have noticed screen tearing inside a 3d mesh due to not using screen sync but when I use screen sync in fullscreen it slows down the frame rate considerably from 60 to an average of 40 while still noticing some screen tear (like 40-50% of without using screen sync).

The screen also jerks going forward in stages like it waiting for the monitor to refresh before the next frame.
There is no bottleneck on the cpu nor gpu and tried another monitor and exact same thing happens.
There loads of headroom on both cpu and gpu so thats not the problem and neither is the monitor.

I notice in window mode with screen sync looks and runs fine - no issues except its in window mode and most players wouldn't like that.
I have updated my video drivers and no change (GTX 1060).

Any solutions to this problem of screen sync in full screen ?

2020-05-31 06:20:34

I just found the solution was to enable fixed screen size (not dynamic/resizeable) and then click the previously hidden button "use desktop resolution for full screen".

It runs beautifully now. in full screen with screen sync on ata
solid 60 FPS...damn its nice. Will have to make another video soon about this and few other stuff like it..

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