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"Heat-seeking" style missiles?

Registered User
2020-06-02 13:52:02

Hi all, just wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of making a heat seeking type missile?

One where, even if you shoot off-target, the missile will automatically correct it's trajectory path and bend towards the closest enemy target.

Thank you.

Registered User
2020-08-10 10:05:35

Think I thought of a solution for a rocket/missile - pretty much how they work in real life..... the missile has it's own camera which is set to "always look at the closest enemy". When I press fire, the missile is set to "fly towards camera target". This way, if the target moves, the missile should adjust trajectory.

The only issue I may have is: how to make the missile follow the missile camera's target instead of the main camera's target.

2020-08-10 14:39:25

you need to script this or you can use the proximity behavior along with some variables to do something like this.....

for example on shooting set a variable "missile launch" is true then assign the on proximity behavior to do something and when a scenenode enter the scene "enemy node" ,then assign every few seconds do something then if a variable has a value "missile launch" is true then change the position of the scenenode "missile" to relative to the scene node enemy...and then change the value of variable missile launch to false...

you can assign multiple proximity behaviour for multiple enemies ...
But if you know javascript then you can promme a better shoot action.

2020-08-10 19:16:58


Just create an NPC as missile with can fly, Then set it to attack on proximity of 10 and tag enemy in behavior, then on click use AI command to make it move in a forward direction ie like a bullet...

When it reaches the npc it will automatically move to the NPC to attack it...Then on attack hide NPC and cause damage...

Little to no scripting required can all be done with functions...

Otherwise, install game guru max

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