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Registered function - unknown issue...need help

2020-06-03 06:56:31

Hi guys, I'm hoping someone can tell me why this registered function fails to pickup the speed as shown below.

Everything works as expected to open 2x doors except when I ask it to get the variable 'this.speed' from the above function using 'me' instead of 'this' which is the right way to do it I have read. If I replace "me.speed" with a number like 0.06 or whatever then it works correctly.... ?????

// function
var DoorOpen = function work() {
var me = this;
this.registeredFunction = function() {
this.action = doorAction;
this.axis = doorAxis;
this.nuDoors = invDoors[idx+5];
this.moveAmount = invDoors[idx+6];
this.OC = 0;

if (this.nuDoors == 1) {
this.drS = drS;
this.drSstart = drSPos;
this.speed = drSspeed;
} else {
this.drU = dr1;
this.drUstart = dr1Pos;
this.drD = dr2;
this.drDstart = dr2Pos;
// this.speed = invDoors[idx+8];
// this is where it goes wrong and wont pickup speed below
this.speed = 0.06;

function openClose() {
var me = this;
if (me.action == "O") me.OC = me.OC + me.speed;
if (me.action == "C") me.OC = me.OC - me.speed;

if (me.axis == "X") {
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(me.drU, "Position", me.drUstart.x + me.OC, me.drUstart.y, me.drUstart.z);
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(me.drD, "Position", me.drDstart.x - me.OC, me.drDstart.y, me.drDstart.z);
} else if (me.axis == "Y") {
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(me.drU, "Position", me.drUstart.x, me.drUstart.y + me.OC, me.drUstart.z);
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(me.drD, "Position", me.drDstart.x, me.drDstart.y - me.OC, me.drDstart.z);
} else if (me.axis == "Z") {
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(me.drU, "Position", me.drUstart.x, me.drUstart.y, me.drUstart.z + me.OC);
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(me.drD, "Position", me.drDstart.x, me.drDstart.y, me.drDstart.z - me.OC);
if (me.OC >= me.moveAmount || me.OC <= -(me.moveAmount)) {

2020-06-03 10:14:51

With a bit of fuss, I found a solution that worked. Firstly 'speed' was being referenced to a different block of javascript code even though not mentioned in this one...strange so I changed the variable.

Then I had to re-arrange the code to get it to work - the last part like this:

function openClose() {
var me = this;
if (me.action == "O") {
me.OC = me.OC + me.Spd;
} else if (me.action == "C") {
me.OC = me.OC - me.Spd;
if (me.OC > me.moveLen || me.OC < -(me.moveLen)) {
if (me.axis == "X") {
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(me.drU, "Position", me.drUstart.x + me.OC, me.drUstart.y, me.drUstart.z);
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(me.drD, "Position", me.drDstart.x - me.OC, me.drDstart.y, me.drDstart.z);
} else if (me.axis == "Y") {
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(me.drU, "Position", me.drUstart.x, me.drUstart.y + me.OC, me.drUstart.z);
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(me.drD, "Position", me.drDstart.x, me.drDstart.y - me.OC, me.drDstart.z);
} else if (me.axis == "Z") {
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(me.drU, "Position", me.drUstart.x, me.drUstart.y, me.drUstart.z + me.OC);
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(me.drD, "Position", me.drDstart.x, me.drDstart.y, me.drDstart.z - me.OC);

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