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"Hack", to make your scene easier to view in editor

Registered User
2020-06-04 20:09:31

I had been annoyed for a while while working in the editor because of the many cameras and light(bulbs) that I use blocks my vision of the scene when working with it.
So, i replaced them. My editor has a more transparent camera-icon and somthing more resembling a light flare, without a bulb.

Turned out to be a good "hack"! (sorry Niko, but I had to)

The files changed were:

And these are found at the software installation path. On windows 10, that is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ambiera\CopperCube 6.3\textures\~editor_defaults


Jaime Zegpi
2020-06-05 15:58:03

Nice.. Thanks..
Niko, if the icons have a min and max width, in the screen like css be nice.
2d elements need this ;)

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