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Third Person Shooter Camera not rotating

Registered User
2020-08-01 14:48:31

Hi ppl!

Was amazed by this engine and wanted to give it a try since im a huge games fan, and guys, there are a lot of cool stuffs on this forum (specially that AoE extension made by just_in_case).

Anyway, i went to the extensions list to get that Third person shooter camera behavior and added to my project, my actor follows the mouse and the camera follows him behind in the default direction, but its not rotating with the actor. On the extension description it written that can rotation can be set, but i cant find that option (even in the js code).

Can someone help?

Thanks in advance

Registered User
2020-08-31 09:05:14

If you want the camera to rotate with the player:

In the "scene graph editor" simply drag and drop the camera onto your player (this will create a parent/child) so the camera will now rotate with the player.

Any attached child objects will automatically "follow" the parent - no matter if the child is a camera, particle system, animation, path etc..

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