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Maze movement

Registered User
2020-08-08 21:52:07

Hi, using the 2d room function i've made a 1 cell wide enclosed maze. Does anyone have any behaviors or scripts to make nodes move throughout it, making 90 degree turns? Essentially i'm asking for Pac-Man esq movement.

If not scripts, any help would be considerate.

Registered User
2020-08-09 16:28:48

I made a maze type game awhile ago. I had several 'enemy' characters the player had to avoid. I just placed each enemy on a "follow a path" loop so I could move them in the areas and direction i wanted them to go... that way, the enemies just kept walking thru the maze and the player had to turn around and take a different path to go around them

just an idea on how i did my game

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