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What I would like to see in future versions of CC

Registered User
2020-09-26 04:42:03

DISCLAIMER: This is not one of those “Niko add this, Niko add that” posts, because frankly, I think they’re quite annoying, and I know how hard it is for a single developer to work on a project, much less a game engine.
This is just me spewing some ideas that would make CopperCube nicer (not that it isn’t nice already).
They will range from reasonable to possible but time consuming. But first, I will share my thoughts on future versions.

Future Versions
I think future versions should be paid, like CC5. I would gladly pay for it if it had even a few of these upgrades mentioned below. Have a trial version for 2 weeks, then it shuts off.
The standard, base engine (like the current professional edition) should be like $60 USD, or something around that price, and the studio be like $150 or $175 USD.

Editor and Import/Export Changes
I don’t have much to add here, because I already really like the workflow of CC.

Dark UI - Us night owls don’t like our eyes being burned by the bright white user interface. Would probably be a nice option to have in the editor settings, especially if it’s enabled by default.
Somebody had mentioned dark mode before and even made a mock-up if it, but I can’t seem to find it anymore.

Better 3D model support - I notice that some .X files will load successfully, others lacking animation, and most not at all.
FBX is dodgy; some models are scaled weirdly, others work fine.
For some reason, if an animated model has separate parts (like a bolt, magazine, receiver, etc. on a gun), it will load the arm animations but not the gun’s. (Could be a problem with the models or the importer, hard to say.)

Export ANIMATED model as FBX: This one may be a bit harder to add in, because of the nature of animated models. But this is one that I’ve been wanting to have in some shape or form for a while.

Graphical Upgrades
I have even less to add here. These would be nice to have eventually, but will take some time to develop.

Lightmapping - A new, optimized lightmapper would be nice, with different lightmapping modes such as one that produce simplified results and one that renders much nicer.

DNS/PBR - I wouldn’t expect this soon, but support for these textures would be fairly nice as well (maybe not for webGL though),

Final Word
Once again, this is just me stating my opinion, so feel free to disagree. And yes, I know some of these would be hard to incorporate into CopperCube for a single developer, so just take this with a grain of salt, as they’re merely suggestions and ideas.

2020-09-28 11:51:50

I recommend you send this any any others directly to Niko - he reads all messages sent to the website email.

99% of all requests will not be done however - so sad actually as its clear what what people DO not what they say that matters...Niko shows us what he wants to do (or not do) from his actions...

press him to do some stuff anyway..

Registered User
2020-09-29 19:25:55

A quick word in niko's defense...
1st of all - when I build a game, I first map out what I want the game to be... and when I release it - here come the comments

"it is a good start - but it doesn't seem finished"
" it should have 'this' or not 'that'"
" it should do 'something' "
"you need to add "whatever"

do these things will make your game 'better'..... I don't see it that way. adding and changing things will make my game different - not necessarily better. after all, I knew up front what I wanted to make - and I made it. Game finished....

I feel the same about CC and niko... he knew what he wanted his game engine to do - to make a FPS game without coding - and that is what CC does.... a simple game yes... but a fully done, playable game. with no coding.

so yea, we can suggest things, but niko has to decide if it fits into his vision of what his creation (game engine) should be and do....

after all, if we don't like what he does, we can always make a game engine ourselves to be what We decide it should do ( yea, like I could do that) - - just like my game... if you what a game to be different from what I made... then make a game, and make it be what you want it to be...

just my 2 cents worth

Registered User
2020-10-03 02:30:46

True, very true.

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