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Problem with attenuation

Registered User
2020-10-06 06:06:34

If the distance between listener and sound is more then maxDistance value the sound is still audible. This happens at least on DirectSound8 driver. This is sometimes ok, but not always. How can I solve this issue using only irrklang tools (except LINEAR_ROLLOFF)?

Probably you should add some flags, that allows to mute sound when it reaches maxDistance, or at least a possibility to get distance between listener and sound, to mute it when needed.

Registered User
2020-10-06 12:35:31

It doesn't stop after it reached the max distance, it just stops attenuating. Usually, you only should set min distance.

Registered User
2020-10-06 12:41:41

It doesn't stop after it reached the max distance, it just stops attenuating. Usually, you only should set min distance.

I understand this, and I absolutely understand how it works, but that is the problem. There is should be a possibility to make the sound inaudible somehow after it reaches maxDistance. Like flag DSBCAPS_MUTE3DATMAXDISTANCE for DirectSound. And I want to know is it possible to do this using only irrklang tools?

Registered User
2020-10-07 10:34:11

Hm, no, I guess you would have to do this manually.

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