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Behavior for car games.

Registered User
2020-10-11 20:42:12


Hello, Behavior for car games.

what's special about it?

Behavior Functions:

- Execution of Infinity Mode.
- Collision Physics and Real Physics.
- km_h
- Velocity
- Rotation Limit
- Front and rear wheel rotation.

yes the wheels will rotate according to the speed of the car.
and you can use it with normal collision physics or with coppercube's real physics simulator.

if you have doubts you can ask questions i'll answer!

If you don't speak Portuguese there is a manual in English so that you know how to configure the behavior. Thank you.

The download link in the video description!
but I'm going this way

I want your opinion, whether I like comments or not;

Registered User
2020-10-11 22:27:14

pls put the link below

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