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Blender FBX animation not working!!!

Registered User
2020-10-12 05:46:01

Anytime I try to export my "fbx" animation from blender 2.8 to coppercube 6 and open it in the engine, it just sits there, it doesn't play ANY animations, In fact, when I open the animated mesh editor it doesn't have any animations. Texture-less and solid white. And when I run the application, the mesh isn't even visible to the camera, sometimes modify selection doesn't even work. What is going on!? Why are my FBX animations not working, Is it a bug, Am I not doing something right, Something I'm missing? The new blender 2.8 doesn't have ms3D, or any of the other supported animation files for coppercube, Just FBX.
There is something SERIOUSLY wrong. I don't really worry about the textures. I am a Noob at blender, And a somewhat professional at coppercube. The only thing that I CANNNOT DO, Is make a single animation for coppercube. Never have I EVER made a animation in blender and imported it into coppercube to have it work right. So I basically cannot add animations to coppercube, and I don't want to have a still mesh without animations just moving around. That game would be garbage. If there is something that I am not doing right or there is something else wrong, I would like to know what

Registered User
2020-10-12 07:26:03

okay I think you should download blender 2.76b so I can tell you what to do

Registered User
2020-10-12 08:48:17

I had exactly the same issue. This is the biggest problem I ghad to overcome with coppercube - it was almost a deal-breaker for me.

You can either use an older version of Blender which supports native export of DirectX (animation.x) animations - the FBX and DirectX animation plugins for the newer versions of blender do not work reliably in coppercube - this makes animation in coppercube a real pain.

As a noob, I found blender to be over-complicated so a simple alternative is to use ultimate_unwrap_pro to re-convert the blender animation to either fbx or directX. When you load an animation into ultimate unwrap and then save/export it again (as fbx or directX), it becomes compatible with coppercube. Problem is that Ultimate Unwrap Pro is not free.

I found that DirectX animation file-sizes are a lot smaller than fbx and run much more smoothly too, which is good for coppercube if you're making games for PC/DirectX (being smaller and smoother).

I spent months trawling through forums and trying different remedies for animations in blender/milkshape3D/cinema4D etc - old_blender and cinema4D did work sometimes but neither worked as reliably as exporting from ultimate_unwrap_pro - which was a suggestion on one of the forums.

For now, I'm just downloading other people's models and animations and converting them for coppercube until I can get my head around 3D animation software such as blender/cinema4D. It amazes me that 3D animation software is still so complicated.

For quick and easy character animation there are the following soultions: mixamo (a free model rigger with preset character models and common animations), iclone (create characters and then animate them using an x-box motion-capture device to copy your own movements), RADiCAL studio (on steam, which attempts to convert 2D video footage into 3D animation).

Registered User
2020-10-12 15:47:17

in blender 2.76b fbx works just fine as long as you don't import fbx from another software,I model my characters and use them in coppercube as it is able to take this file format but only one texture slot available, can you bake textures by the way cos I really want to know the software used so I just... manage if you know how to bake textures in blender pls explain

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