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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube
textures vs. materials

Registered User
2020-10-14 20:12:27

A lot of people have posted about their textures not showing up when they import into CC. Their meshes appear as white with no colors or image added...

I'm not sure people really understand the difference between a texture and a material... so I thought I would try to explain. Simply put:

1st - a texture is an image applied to a 3D object, that changes the appearance of the object. It can be simple like something you made in a paint program or more complex such as a photo.

2nd - a material takes that texture and determines how it is actually being applied to the object. A material usually adds properties to the texture; such as how bumpy or how shining the object appears.

So the long and short of it is, you can't just add a texture to an object... you have to send that texture through a material so you need to make sure your imported meshes have a material applied as well as the texture.

Of course CC does a good job of importing meshes in most cases, but if you have problems - not having the correct material could be the problem. At least, that is how I understand it.

maybe this helps a little...

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