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Import FBX (Problem with FPS)

Registered User
2020-10-19 23:32:08

I'm doing export a fbx file (animation) from blender to CopperCube. And I noticed a weird thing. In blender for example I have 30 fps and 737 key frames. But when I import to CC I see FPS 300 and keyframes 3629. Somebody knows why it looks like this? I tried change different FPS in blender but CC always import animations with 300 fps

2020-10-20 07:07:28

Is the animation also played 10 times faster? You can adjust the played fps anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem. No sure about the keyframes, though.

Registered User
2020-10-20 07:34:07

Hello Niko, you can try to download any animation from and import to CopperCube. Animation will have 300 fps and for example if an animation (on the site mixamo) has 100 keyframes and 30 fps then CC after import will show 300 fps and 1160 keyframes.

If import to the blender then looks correct (from to blender).

Same thing when I'm doing export from the blender to CC. In the blender I have for example 30 fps and 737 keyframes, but after import to CC I have 300 fps and 3626 keyframes.

I want to get same fps and keyframes after import to CC. Still trying to find out.

Yes i know I can change FPS in the CopperCube, but then animation looks slow like in the Matrix

Registered User
2020-10-20 08:15:18

I want to create online game with CopperLicht, I added cannon.js and wrote simple server and client on the Node.js based on websockets. But I noticed the problem with animations. Looks like when I have 300 fps then CopperLicht can't process it normal and my animations with character looks with jumping. Animations in CC looks ok, but in the browsers a little bit with jumping.

For example I have the animation Walking 0 .. 303 keyframes with FPS 300, this is correct range (actually in the blender it looks like 0 .. 62 with FPS 60) and when the animation working in the browsers it looks like CopperLicht plays it like 0..303 or 0..305 or 0..310 (random), looks like sometimes CopperLicht uses keyframes from the next animation and it looks like jumping (I made an animation slow and noticed it).

Here the video how looks my character, a little bit with jumping (the video better download and watch)

I think my problem related with these 300 FPS

The next animation should be walking to right (frames 304.. 600) and you can notice on the video 0:07 (same on 0:12 and 0:14) turn right foot (but animation with walking to forward has not it), CopperLicht used (maybe) in this moment keyframe from the next animation.

Registered User
2020-10-21 09:10:22

I solved my problem with this add-on for the Blender

Instead fbx I started use b3d

And I have same fps and keyframes in the Blender and in the CopperCube

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