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What i want in my game possible no coding?

Registered User
2020-12-23 10:28:12

1. Isometric style camera like diablo 3?
2. Inventory system like most arpg's?
3. Left click mouse movement?
4. crafting system?
5. Skills and passive skills?
6. Keybinding for skills?

Yes i wanna make an action role play game(not copy) like d3 poe and last epoch but am having troubles implementing some things like i will have vast amounts of weapons armor crafting materials amulets and rings but it seems i have to have them in the scene and hide them to be able to use them without coding...Is there a much simpler way to do this? if so can someone please write out how i can achieve this plus the 6 other questions i have..Be as detailed as you possibly can for the more details the easier it will be for me to learn and use the help!

Registered User
2020-12-24 14:15:17

any help will be great please and thanks

Registered User
2021-01-05 10:49:26

Yes, definitely possible to make without coding. It will take some time to do though......

Isometric style camera like diablo 3? - use a 3rd person camera.

Inventory system like most RPG's? - use variables to create an inventory.

Left click mouse movement? - use the "RPG move here when clicked" plugin.

Keybinding for skills? - use "when key is pressed".

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