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vehicle physics????

Registered User
2021-01-20 03:00:57

How to add vehicle physics, and destruction physics of a car?

Registered User
2021-01-21 09:10:17

Bit complicated to explain. Not 100% sure how to do it properly but the method I use (without coding) is as follows:

First make sure that the physics simulation option is on. Then have 2 car models - the "normal" model for driving and a second model made up of all the broken parts which are set to be "moved by physics". Hide all the broken car parts and "make visible" the normal car.

When the car crashes, move the position of the broken car to the relative position of the normal car, then "make invisible" the normal car and "make visible" the broken car. The normal car will disappear and the broken parts will immediately fall to the floor in the same place and look like the car has smashed. You can also add velocity to the physics car-parts to make them fly through the air on crashing but you need to use coding for it.

To make all the broken parts appear/disappear at the same time, place them in a folder node as separate models.

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