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Visual Scripting

Registered User
2021-02-10 19:03:06

How can I use visual scripting in Coppercube?

2021-02-11 12:55:48

You don't, at least in the traditional way (flow-graphs) - there's built-in actions and behaviors which are supplied with the program, and you string those together to make objects ("scene nodes") behave in the ways which you may desire.

If you ever wanted to get into more advanced stuff (or even if you just want to condense a bunch of actions in one, such as creating a bunch of variables), then you should look into JavaScript. It isn't hard to use, especially if you want to do basic stuff.

Where possible, you should try and use the existing actions and behaviors since those are more efficient than anything you do in JS (by how much I can't really say)

Hope this helps

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