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Go forward automatically by preventing camera rotation

Registered User
2021-02-10 19:06:12

How can I make the character go forward automatically by preventing camera rotation?

2021-02-10 23:42:41

Not 100% sure what you mean... you want the character to be able to turn around, but the camera should only follow, but not automaticly go behind his back?

Use a simple standard camera, then on every frame set the camera target to the character position, and the camera position to the character position plus a distance. If that isn't smooth enough, use interpolation to move the camera smoothly. Have a look at the underwater camera i posted here recently, it does that interpolation. Maybe you can mod it to achieve your goal.
But I guess it's only for the WebGl target.

That's an entire camera behaviour you'd have to code, in one or an other way.

Registered User
2021-09-29 11:13:13

I seen a script behavior on the ambiera page . It worked

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