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Major update to my game[check it out]

Registered User
2021-02-13 15:20:09

I have been hard at work fixing and improving my game.
Been working on it for two days.
You can check it out.
Please be free to give feedback.

2021-02-13 15:30:57

Did not play it, but watched the screenies. I like it very much, and good people publish their CC work on

It's beautiful, but may I suggest: replace that fullmoon by a decal that is really round. Also, the castle has impressive geometry, but the textures and lighting should be optimized. May I suggest decorator for the texture works, and, seemingly it uses realtime light, use a lightmap instead, get more than two shades of darkness, and more than one texture.
Here.s decorator:

And this page contains some lightmappers, including gile[s]:

Or try the built in lightmapper of CC (with global illumination on), then of course you need to polition some point lights in the building, maybe where torches will be placed.

2021-02-13 15:33:53

btw. why not draw the moon right on a skybox texture...

Registered User
2021-02-16 19:44:18

Thanks for your feedback it was really valuable.
I have fixed the issues and updated the game
so please take the time to play it


Thanks again

Registered User
2021-02-16 22:34:48

Hello everybody,

C123 (Clint),

I remember having played the first version of your nice game.
(comments in your previous topic about it :

Currently I am busy playing with another great game created by CSP-games (Dieter).

Please could you tell us more about the major update of your game ?


2021-02-17 03:04:37

Hi Clint,

currently I don't test desktop builds, but I made an exception here.

First of all, it's a fast paced action game and has less adventure character than one would expect from the screenies. It's funny. From my perspective as a vet I have seen many little things that I would enhance, but the fullscreen mode prevented me from taking notes, so I just try to recall.

Crosshairs has white dots, make sure to use precisely alpha masked png. This is the first and permanent impression, so it has priority.

The enemy AI, as simple as it is, is part of the gameplay, forcing the player to permanently run. That's ok, even tho I would let the player explore the area, like when he's sneaking around, they don't spot him. When there is no sight ( ccbDoesLineCollideWithBoundingBoxOfSceneNode(...) ) in that enemies cannot see you or if the distance is too big, they should not attack. But that would alter the gameplay. However, their attack sound: you may want to play a random one out of a set of probably 5 to 10 diffrent sounds.

I did like very much the building destruction fx. The nightly castle grounds level with the full moon is beautiful.

That said, the first level has odd walls between mountains (?) and the last level still suffers from low light contrast inside the castle (can hardly see 3D depth), even tho it seems to be lit by the sun, but in the rooms the ambient light is way too bright and no lights in there - theoreticly it should be dark inside. By loading the castle with a lightmapper, position a number of yellowish lights inside the rooms, then lightmap it and use the exported mesh in the game, would make a big diffrence. Also adding props, like wooden barrels, crates, furnitures etc helps a lot.

Time is a factor, professional level design just takes a lot of time. That's why those game titles cost millions in the production. You said "made in 7 days", so it's a great achievement. But you have to make a choice, whether you keep it that way, a quickly made game with flaws and an excuse (just 7 days), or to try to make it as good as possible, no matter how long it takes (well, not more than a year I'd suggest). If this is the game you want to invest that amount of time, or another one, that's up to you

From my POV it has potential, the ambiance of bow and arrows versus bad king, the game idea, the level design in general, I did like that. Also the videos. Pity we can't play them in a texture or something,

Think about a web GL version for more people to test it.
I hope this helps, cheers.

Registered User
2021-02-17 04:45:42

Thanks a lot csp-games
Your feedback is really professional and valuable
Thank you for taking the time to download and test my game.
And, yes I will update the game every month or so, as I'm working on another game.



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