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Behavior Volume Manager

2021-02-18 15:21:50

A new Behavior to manage Volume Levels for your game is now available to download from my website.


Create 2 Separate folder nodes for Music and SoundFX and assign the behavior to them. checkmark the Music option for Music Folder and Sound option for SoundFX folder. now put all the music audio nodes in that Music folder and all the sound fx audio nodes in the SoundFX folder.

NOTE: Folder's name should be started with uppercase letter. Otherwise, No audio will be played from that folder.

Now to manage Volume levels, You can use these variables to Alter the volume levels.

Use this variable to manage volume for the music audio files in the Music folder.

Use this variable to manage volume for the sound fx audio files in the SoundFX folder.

Use this variable to manage volume for all the sounds in your game including music and sound fx.

All these 3 variables can have value in range of 0 to 100. Value 0 will turn off the volume while hundred will set it to maximum.

Note:- there is a hashtag sign in the starting of every variable don't forget to put it wile using the variables.

Also the Discord server is now updated daily. If you guys are interested then you can join the server here.

A video tutorial on how to use the behavior will be soon posted on the YouTube channel as well.

Hopefully someone will find this behavior useful.

Edit:- YouTube Video on how to use the behavior.

Demo CCB:-

2021-02-19 21:54:15

Thanks for sharing! Is this for all platform targets?

2021-02-20 11:16:39

I was not able to test it for each and every platform but it should work for all of them. All it does is checks if the nodes are in specific folder or not then alters their properties. so there might be no issue for any platform.

Hope people will find this behavior usefull, Also the original post has been edited with a demo ccb and video on how to use the behavior.

Registered User
2021-02-20 11:34:39

Wow, this is truly beautiful! This is really something that's been missing in CC and will probably be much appreciated by many.
Thanks! :)

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