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Problem with proximity behavior

A newcomer!
2021-03-17 06:40:45


I wonder if it is caused by a mistake or it is a bug. I have attached a third person camera to a submarine model (which is static). Then I put a cube to test the proximity behavior. The action I determined was changing the scene.
And now the problem...
The problem is that when the submarine enters from the front of the cube the scene change (As expected). But when it enters from the behind, it should put itself in the middle of the cube in order to changing the scene!
So is it a bug? Or may be I am wrong?

Thanks in advance

2021-03-18 00:46:41

This is due to the Pivot position of your submarine model. Proximity behavior actually is not based on collision detection on per vertex of only detects the position of pivot.

A quick workaround for this is to create 2 empty nodes and position them in front and back of the submarine and then make them children of the submarine.

Now in you proximity behavior check the proximity with those empty nodes. You might need to create multiple instance of proximity behavior depending on the number of clones. And then it will work fine.

The other method is to reverse the proximity behavior instead of applying the proximity behavior to your cube, attach it to the submarine and check the proximity with cube.
You might need to adjust the proximity area according to the size of your submarine.

Hopefully these 2 Methods will fix your issue.

A newcomer!
2021-03-19 04:36:34

Hi again

Thanks for your answer @just_in_case
I tried the first method with adding node as you said. But nothing changed. Then I added another model with many nodes. The result was the same. Nothing!
I prefer the second method. Because this solved the problem.

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