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3rd Person Player / Platforms

2021-03-19 21:56:11

Hi everyone,

here are the first results of my experimenting with 3rd Person platform game elements. Due to work constraints it is based on the last version of my old and still limited 3rd person controller, so using @smnmhmdy's more advanced Thirdperson Camera and Player Controller should be recommended in the future.

In the beginning, I unfortunately had a hard time with the platform mechanics using parent child relationships which I certainly would consider the best approach to solve the question of how the player can be forced to follow platform transformations. But after getting into too much trouble with absolute (global) transform values vs local ones, vector calculations and suspicious inconsistencies in the engine's interpretations of my ideas, I had to follow a much simpler route. So for now I assembled a kind of on proximity triggered pseudo-parent-child system leading to some player to platform snap. By behaving still a bit too aggressive in its current state the system is still far from perfect. But you can already test and study it. May it help others and perhaps be the beginning of something greater:

Thanks @smnmhmdy's for your animated transform scripting support helping to improve this demo :-)

Registered User
2021-03-20 12:32:34

Hey hadoken, After playing with the demo I can see the aggressiveness you are talking about, as it forces the player position at the pivot point of the platform.

The method that I'm using is to calculate the platform's traveled distance between last frame and current frame and adding that vector to the player's position. The final effect is fairly accurate (and allows for much more freedom of movement), but I've never tried to do the same technique with the rotation, so it's basically just the position change that affects the player not the rotation. However doing the same thing with the rotation shouldn't be too hard, although I'm certain that it'll increase the performance cost if we'd introduce rotation tracking as well (because of matrix calculations).

As you said, I think the best overall solution is to find a way to just set the player's parent to the platform without creating any problems and let the engine handle the rest.

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