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roaming melee ai

2021-04-04 21:00:00

I want to have an AI that roams around a maze - like room and will follow the player if the player is within view and distance. Is it possible to create such a thing? Even just a roaming thing would be helpful as the coppercube built in AI roam is very buggy when it collides with walls.

2021-04-04 23:02:29

You can make AI to follow PATH and if AI sees player then forgot path and GOTO player.

I have made simple AI that follows player if sees player and with range.
Here is video and download link in comments.

But to make it roam you need to add PATH and probably do little scripting with AI script.

NB i dont know about built in AI so maybe its easyer to use built in AI to just make it follow the path or something.

Registered User
2021-04-05 03:05:53

I've had some luck just by increasing the collision cage
on the models so they find walls sooner. Still not perfect but improved.

2021-04-05 06:47:09

You need to write pathfinding for that @Smnmhmdy has already written a path finding behavior to work with coppercube you can contact him.

Registered User
2021-04-05 08:50:28

Hello everybody,

Indeed, Sam (Smn Mhmdy Studio) produced remarkable scripts for CopperCube.

To Sven :
I want to congratulate you for your nice YouTube channel (freshly created one month ago and already 24 subscribers !).
I see a great potential in you : Advanced artistic skills (modelling, animations) + clear understanding of the 3D games mechanics.
Thank you for sharing your CCB project with that AI demo.
It is a good example of effectiveness with simplicity.

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