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boosting mechanic from sonic games

Registered User
2021-12-04 10:13:39

so i was making my sonic fanmade game that looks like something like this and i was asking myself how to add boosting to my game
because i dont know how to even code the simplest thing in the world
if someone doesnt know how boosting works in sonic games. its something like this if you hold a certain button your character will instantly start run really fast and when i say fast then i mean so fast that they became invicible to almost any damage *spikes can still damage you though* and be way faster but if you are not boosting you can get damaged by enemies like you would expect and you will be slower when not boosting
please help i am trying my best to make my game look good and be fun which it is but because i like the boost gameplay from sonic games. i just really want to add boosting to my game
so can someone help me with this?

2021-12-04 11:17:28

First of all your game looks good to me, you can enhance the sprites a lil bit. For the speed, you can use variables to avoid damage and to increase the speed.
For speed you can use player.movementspeed variable and for damage you can use variable...

There is hashtag prefix before the health and movement variable. And player is the name of your player scenenode.

Registered User
2021-12-04 18:18:58

i will try this + sprites i will try improve as best as i can
thanks for help

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