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bird point a to b

Registered User
2022-01-18 22:20:21

hey guys i need little help here plz :

i have a bird flying from point a to point b.

if i shoot the bird between a and b i want him to fall on ground.

i managed the whole act but when it falls on ground and
reached its final position, it continues its way to point b.

is there a way to cancel a behavior or action after certain updated command ?

or how it can be done ?

thx in advance :)

2022-01-18 23:52:42

Have 2 bird models - a live one and a dead one.Live one follows the path from A-B. Dead one has collide when moved & affected by gravity.

When bird 1 is shot, change position of dead bird (not animated) relative to live bird o,o,o. Then hide live bird at the same time.

Now, when shot, live bird will instantly be swapped with dead bird which will fall to ground. You can then respawn the live bird and recycle the model. If you clone the dead bird model, you can leave it on the ground where it fell to keep score

*If you need any statistics for your game: Around 70 billion birds are killed each year, around 200 million every day. There are exactly 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds every day (which is 82800 seconds).

Registered User
2022-01-19 01:40:31

what a clever way to do it, i didn't imagine it could be done like that, it worked perfectly as required.
for instance felt like i am cheating logic which put a smile on my face :)
Thx man for your help :)

2022-01-19 10:53:34

You're welcome! Glad it worked for you. :)

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