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Javascript coding styles + coppercube

2022-02-05 21:17:54

The JavaScript language - Code quality - Coding Style

Is there any thing to recommend as far as coding styles are supported in Coppercube.
Long time ago when i was young you had procedural programming and
Object Oriented Programming and spagetti code,
that was all basically.

In JS there is:
- AMD style ( the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) API for JS )
-CommonJS's module specification is widely used today, in particular for server-side JavaScript programming with Node.js
-UMD Universal Module Definition
-Module Pattern
and many more and it get quite confusing.

It bothers me because
if i want to use different path finding methods,
say Astar for enemy type A and
DepthFirstSearch for enemy type B then
I get overlap in NameSpace, Objects and Functions for say:
Matrix(), node(), path, vertex(), edge, sort etc and
that leads to difficult bugs.
So i want to lock variables and functions to their NameSpace
and combine entire methods / recipies into single files.

Any ideas advice tips ?

2022-02-05 21:41:01

My JS code looks more like Basic. I don't care. It's got to be stabile, reliable, readable. There's a simple fact of global namespace outside functions and local namespace inside functions. Things like nonlinear multithreading with promesis etc. are not a feature IMHO, but a paininthea we have to live with.

Anyway, when I marry two parts of code, there's always a chance of namespace conflict, so what I did was I wrote a tool that would simply prefix all variables, functions and other userdefined names with a certain, unique string like "GUI1__" for one file and "GUI2__" for the second (in case I had to have two GUIs in a program, yes silly example, however).

This method successfully applies the KISS method, but it also requires a list of javascript reserved words, so you don't prefix those. For a language like js, that is rather flexible, such a prefixer tool would be quite some work. Maybe it already exists somewhere. BTW I was using mine for Blitz3D, not js.

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