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irrKlang Tutorial: Memory Playback (C++)

This example will show how to play sounds directly from memory using irrKlang. This is useful for embedding sounds directly in executables as well for making irrKlang work together with different APIs like advanced decoders or middleware such as Shockwave.

Let's start

Include irrKlang headers and other input/output stuff needed to print and get user input from the console.

#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <irrKlang.h>

using namespace irrklang;

#pragma comment(lib, "irrKlang.lib") // link with irrKlang.dll

The following huge array simply represents the plain sound data we want to play back. It is just the content of a .wav file from the game 'Hell Troopers'. Usually this sound is somewhere provided by some external software, but to keep it simple we just use this array as memory.

// test.wav, converted to this array by bin2h tool,
// available at
int memorySoundDataSize = 3932; // data size in bytes
long memorySoundData[] = { 
	0x46464952, 0xf54, 0x45564157, 0x20746d66, 0x12,
	0x10001, 0x1f40, 0x1f40, 0x80001, 0x61660000, 0x47463,
	0xf220000,  0x61640000, 0xf226174,  0x807f0000, 0x80807f7f, 0x7f808080,
	0x80818080, 0x7f7f7e80, 0x7f807f7f, 0x80808081, 0x7e7e7e80, 0x807e7e7e,
	0x7f7f7f7f, 0x7e7e7f7f, 0x7f7e7e7e, 0x807f8080, 0x8181807f, 0x80808180,
	0x80808080, 0x83818181, 0x87868584, 0x85878786, 0x4f5a7183, 0x8a816d6e,
	0x97918f8c, 0x5f6e7684, 0x85837768, 0x95949089, 0x6b707b8f, 0x83807672,
	0x908f8c84, 0x6f727f87, 0x7d7b7770, 0x87858482, 0x76797e86, 0x807e7977,
	0x8987857f, 0x7b7c8085, 0x837f7f7b, 0x888a8884, 0x7d7c7d85, 0x948b8380,
	0x318da69d, 0x92735250, 0xbb818f7e, 0x5b879fb8, 0x805f4c45, 0x978f8a7c,
	0x6a95a8a7, 0x7863575b, 0x95878483, 0x81929a9a, 0x75655f60, 0x8283847f,
	0x7b8c918e, 0x7b706a73, 0x88878886, 0x80878987, 0x7e757475, 0x84848684,
	0x7c838384, 0x867e7a78, 0x93949390, 0x3c5e879b, 0x98493e3b, 0xab9d9d99,
	0x518e97a0, 0x6f58493e, 0xa09da799, 0x808a95a2, 0x705d505a, 0x949d9b7e,
	0x7b84868a, 0x695d5f71, 0x91999688, 0x81807e88, 0x87828080, 0xa7a29d8f,
	0x3131aead, 0x87783147, 0xc1baabbc, 0x319db2a3, 0x5f523139, 0xb7a4b281,
	0x809b9aab, 0x513e376a, 0xadb0986b, 0x7c8f95aa, 0x53536c7e, 0xa4917764,
	0x707d97a1, 0x76717370, 0x948b7977, 0x74869097, 0x7d79706d, 0x92898786,
	0xa09d9c98, 0x31a2b3a7, 0x7f573150, 0xc2a1c0b7, 0x4a65b39f, 0x31333166,
	0xc0c6a1a0, 0x7ca5a0b9, 0x31465271, 0xc68e8342, 0x7078a9b7, 0x6e70616d,
	0x8e827b6d, 0x7c939f96, 0xa290797e, 0x97bdb8aa, 0x31313136, 0xaaa06b47,
	0xc1adbfc6, 0x316b6db0, 0x7e6e3131, 0xbdbcc5c0, 0x6e7e91af, 0x543c3645,
	0xbeb58f65, 0x5a7897ae, 0x796e5a5b, 0x9f93887e, 0x7989a0a0, 0xb0847b77,
	0x43a0c2be, 0x44313145, 0xbdafa569, 0x89c6a59f, 0x3131429d, 0xba644731,
	0xa4c1bec7, 0x63848a96, 0x40364255, 0xb2ae7d6b, 0x959da7b2, 0x5f607b7d,
	0x99806b62, 0xb5c3c3c4, 0x3131417b, 0xa4843931, 0xc6bdbdbb, 0x456faab0,
	0x31313131, 0xc6c4aa86, 0x85a8b6c3, 0x313e6476, 0xa3523731, 0xc1c5c6c3,
	0x657685b5, 0x8b796562, 0x8789b3a3, 0x4537313a, 0x92998760, 0xa38cb09d,
	0x4f737c87, 0x75654145, 0xaaa7b29f, 0x7b8394a0, 0x4f5a5967, 0xa2916957,
	0x9dafbabc, 0x9d928a93, 0x315a7fb3, 0x60313131, 0xb6c4c2b2, 0x92897bbc,
	0x33586a6b, 0x846e4d31, 0xb2c4c4c9, 0x5b657398, 0x58625658, 0xb89a8866,
	0xadbec5c3, 0x6a84a6ac, 0x31313131, 0xc7ab8331, 0xa9b8c6c3, 0x5566699b,
	0x3c313138, 0xc5b8a24f, 0x87a3c5c3, 0x58535274, 0x7b705f57, 0xc4c2b68f,
	0x8399c3c4, 0x3131315a, 0xb99a4a31, 0xc3c1c8b8, 0x6a90b1c0, 0x31313148,
	0xb89a6133, 0xb0c4c6c6, 0x6e7c97a1, 0x66535463, 0xc6c5947b, 0x314f97c4,
	0x5f313131, 0xaaa08a7a, 0xb6b5af9d, 0x52738fba, 0x573f3131, 0xaba99c69,
	0xa4a6a7ac, 0x838a94a5, 0xa58a716e, 0x7299adaf, 0x45313131, 0xc6bfaa69,
	0x7a859cb3, 0x80868a74, 0x4141586e, 0xad8e734c, 0x8994afb0, 0x91898184,
	0x8d8b9495, 0x9ab0a799, 0x31316888, 0x94553831, 0xa8b4b7aa, 0x8c8a8a9a,
	0x5e6f878c, 0x5b3e3c3f, 0xb0a88870, 0x99a4aab1, 0xa09b9597, 0x87acacac,
	0x3131576e, 0x8a553a31, 0xb1b5aba0, 0x8d959c9f, 0x5f6b7887, 0x55444247,
	0xa2958764, 0xa5aeb1b0, 0x9f9b9aa1, 0x9eafada8, 0x31395485, 0x75403131,
	0xb3b3af92, 0x878e969d, 0x727b8186, 0x4847505d, 0x92806f52, 0xa5a9ada6,
	0x9a97979f, 0xaab0a8a4, 0x405c719f, 0x4d363131, 0x9f958f66, 0x8a8f8f98,
	0x8694908f, 0x5457757b, 0x7e5b574e, 0xb1ad9a8a, 0x9aa3a7af, 0x9f9d9b9a,
	0x4f77849f, 0x31313341, 0x947d6346, 0x929f98a2, 0x8184848a, 0x7c7e8382,
	0x6e656a6e, 0xb0a38675, 0x91acb5b9, 0x77757b85, 0x838b8c84, 0x4a4e6673,
	0x83665b4f, 0x888e928b, 0x7e757679, 0x92939186, 0x6b767e86, 0x8980766b,
	0x909b9d9a, 0x6e717586, 0x8c807874, 0x848b8f91, 0x75727579, 0x87848178,
	0x787a8284, 0x7e7b7876, 0x83868684, 0x78797a81, 0x86837d7a, 0x83868888,
	0x7c7a7c7e, 0x8483827e, 0x7e808384, 0x7f7d7d7d, 0x7e7f8081, 0x7978797c,
	0x817f7e7c, 0x7d7e8080, 0x817e7e7d, 0x81828282, 0x7e7d7d80, 0x8383817f,
	0x7f818384, 0x7e7e7d7e, 0x80818180, 0x7e7e7e7e, 0x81807f7e, 0x7f7e8080,
	0x817f807e, 0x81828282, 0x7c7d7e80, 0x8281807d, 0x80818182, 0x80818080,
	0x7d7e7f80, 0x7e7c7c7d, 0x8181807f, 0x80808081, 0x81818080, 0x7e808181,
	0x7e7e7d7e, 0x807f7f7e, 0x81808080, 0x80808180, 0x7f7f8080, 0x7e7e7e7e,
	0x7f7e7e7e, 0x807f807f, 0x81808080, 0x7e808181, 0x7c7c7e7e, 0x807e7e7d,
	0x80808080, 0x80808080, 0x7e7e8080, 0x7e7e7e7e, 0x7f7f7e7e, 0x80807f7f,
	0x80808080, 0x80818080, 0x7e7e8080, 0x7e7e7e7d, 0x7e7e7f7f, 0x8080807f,
	0x80808080, 0x807f8080, 0x807f7e7f, 0x7f7f7f7f, 0x807f807f, 0x8180807f,
	0x807f8080, 0x7e7e7e7d, 0x80807f7e, 0x81808080, 0x7f808080, 0x7e7f7f7f,
	0x80807f7f, 0x7f7f8080, 0x7f807f7e, 0x80808080, 0x7e808080, 0x7e7e7e7e,
	0x8080807f, 0x7f808080, 0x7e7f7f7f, 0x80807f80, 0x7f807f80, 0x807f807f,
	0x80808080, 0x7f7f7f7f, 0x8080807f, 0x7f7f7f7f, 0x807f807f, 0x80808080,
	0x7f808080, 0x7f807e7f, 0x80808080, 0x7f7f7e7f, 0x807f8080, 0x80808080,
	0x80807f80, 0x7f7f7e7f, 0x7f7f7f7f, 0x80808080, 0x80808080, 0x7e7e7e7f,
	0x7f7e7e7f, 0x7e7f7f80, 0x80807f7f, 0x807f7f7f, 0x807f8080, 0x7f7f7f80,
	0x80807e7e, 0x81808080, 0x7f7f8080, 0x7e7e7e7e, 0x945f7880, 0x787c908a,
	0x89aaa75b, 0xa17f6868, 0x43617b95, 0x76aeaa97, 0x97ac5b4e, 0x886e4f76,
	0x31889099, 0x86acbb7a, 0x98a96e6e, 0x7152457c, 0x7d8a9eab, 0x8a979086,
	0x8c57515f, 0x8f7c8380, 0x858e9994, 0x81858780, 0x6487877c, 0x78756d6a,
	0x927c8774, 0x91899689, 0x7b718786, 0x66766780, 0x797d756d, 0x9c938f83,
	0x7b7c828d, 0x7973737f, 0x8c7a8070, 0x8383847a, 0x8b8c8384, 0x6b898079,
	0x7d817c79, 0x848f8681, 0x89949187, 0x8691887e, 0x80817e87, 0x817b7886,
	0x7578707a, 0x776a666d, 0x867d7978, 0x97918e8a, 0x979d9491, 0xa2999c96,
	0x476cb0a4, 0x38505d80, 0x6b565862, 0x887e7c7b, 0x596a7975, 0x686d7052,
	0xa4afac7f, 0xb3bdc3c0, 0x73bcc3bd, 0x31527b67, 0x604d5a31, 0xa19e9587,
	0x76818699, 0x3e4b3e47, 0x9a876d4a, 0xc3bbc1c8, 0xc3bebfc3, 0x3889317e,
	0x70513131, 0xb7ada777, 0x717cb6b5, 0x42315a77, 0x714a3146, 0xc1c99f99,
	0xbec5c3c7, 0x3131c4b7, 0x31313145, 0xc8b3847e, 0x93c0c1bc, 0x314a5960,
	0x45473a31, 0xbab98f71, 0xc3c5c3c2, 0xbfbeb7c3, 0x31683165, 0x8fb33131,
	0xbfc5bab5, 0x52348ec1, 0x5f313131, 0xad976a5a, 0xc4c3c6c1, 0xb0b0c3c3,
	0x6a3175c0, 0x73313149, 0xbfcdb595, 0x3f8ebebb, 0x31313f47, 0x8c7b603f,
	0xbebeb9aa, 0xaebfc3c2, 0x3173bfad, 0x3131335b, 0xc9c09d7a, 0x79b6baba,
	0x31373f31, 0x8c765231, 0xbbb2a7ac, 0xc0c2b1ad, 0x5fc3abbd, 0x31393131,
	0xc0b28e31, 0xc2b5bac9, 0x313131b3, 0x78603131, 0xbaacab82, 0xc5b8abb9,
	0xc5adbbbe, 0x594131a7, 0xa54b3131, 0xb6bccca8, 0x313c95c1, 0x4c313139,
	0xa5ad8c85, 0x9cabafad, 0xafbfc0c3, 0x31315dc1, 0x8e313131, 0xbac6c6aa,
	0x31abc6b3, 0x31313131, 0xba908165, 0xa1b4b2a8, 0xb3c3b69c, 0x31a1c1bb,
	0x3131545e, 0xccaa9b53, 0x86c0b0b6, 0x31383935, 0x99805635, 0xaea89fb2,
	0xc0c69da5, 0x9dc3b1c2, 0x31315231, 0xb39da431, 0xc2bfbebe, 0x313a3185,
	0x87733331, 0xb5a4af9d, 0xc2b39fa5, 0xa3beb2bf, 0x315f3131, 0xaaa25131,
	0xc1b3becb, 0x3e3135c3, 0x724d3131, 0xb8a9ad9b, 0xbea6acc1, 0xb8bbb8bd,
	0x316d316b, 0x9b7f3131, 0xbac3c8c0, 0x3f3161b1, 0x63343131, 0xb0b5aa8d,
	0xa499a5bd, 0xc3b2b7c5, 0x645f31a1, 0x8f543131, 0xbcc2bfa5, 0x443a8fc3,
	0x4f31313a, 0xaead9b81, 0x9ba9b6be, 0xc8a5b1b9, 0x9d4c31b5, 0x94993131,
	0xbbb8c584, 0x4d31a5c7, 0x40313154, 0xb2a48f78, 0xa5acbdc1, 0xc5afa7b6,
	0xb16231b8, 0x90b23131, 0xb9b3c176, 0x5d319dca, 0x7031315f, 0xacaa8c76,
	0xacaabbbd, 0xc7abaac3, 0x318331ad, 0x79bd3131, 0xc0b3ba83, 0x6c3187c6,
	0x73313152, 0xb2af9177, 0xb1a3a7c5, 0x91ba9ea9, 0x3175a831, 0xa4b98131,
	0xc6b2b9cd, 0x386c316c, 0x74623331, 0xc5baa896, 0xb2a7a4c1, 0x89c794a1,
	0x316bab31, 0xac688f31, 0xc8afb6cd, 0x366d3166, 0x72653c31, 0xc5b8ab94,
	0xa8b0a8bd, 0x91c58a8f, 0x317fa531, 0xa8718631, 0xb7adadcd, 0x3f753169,
	0x7a653d31, 0xc5b6a88d, 0xaaafa5bf, 0x8bc59097, 0x316dab31, 0xac699331,
	0xb5b1b3b1, 0x39703164, 0x7b6a3f31, 0xc4bda28c, 0xa9aba1a7, 0xa8c38c91,
	0x319e9031, 0x8b77be31, 0xc0b2afb6, 0x4d774281, 0x795d3131, 0xc3bea887,
	0xa7ad9faa, 0xc8ae9197, 0x31b13131, 0x62c28031, 0xc5afaccd, 0x835c31b8,
	0x706f3131, 0xc3a48a6e, 0xb7aea3b8, 0xb39c8aab, 0xa3a231a2, 0xc6653131,
	0xb8afcd81, 0x5d367bc1, 0x6431314a, 0xb88e8071, 0xa48fb8c5, 0xa68a87b9,
	0x3131c7b7, 0x6b3131a8, 0xb6c863c3, 0x49bac1b4, 0x31319575, 0x8a5b6937,
	0x92b0ae93, 0x86a6b2ad, 0xc4bba79d, 0x31c63131, 0x3fb33131, 0xc1b8b5c8,
	0x948d76b3, 0x4c513131, 0xa89c7955, 0xa99791ad, 0xa7a2798a, 0x31c5b899,
	0x31317531, 0xcb31a188, 0xbac5baad, 0x319c9662, 0x44465e31, 0xa5a08c8c,
	0x92aaa2a2, 0x8d94988e, 0x3eb1c696, 0x3131bb87, 0xa250634d, 0x9abbb8ad,
	0x3168a373, 0x51455b48, 0xa7a8947c, 0x7e90aca4, 0x8582967a, 0x94c0b29f,
	0x318fbe31, 0x5d417131, 0xb2c1b1a5, 0x31949d87, 0x4845573e, 0x9fa08b7b,
	0x83a09f9c, 0x7983867b, 0xc5afa290, 0xa03131ac, 0x8c573131, 0xb6b59a38,
	0xab9cadc9, 0x4f413165, 0x7d6f4a36, 0xbaa0aaa2, 0x818186aa, 0x93756a6c,
	0xc4c1ac9b, 0x31c2315a, 0x3f7e3731, 0xc8b7a67d, 0xb8ada5c1, 0x3c54413e,
	0x82786631, 0xb7b3b099, 0x7b847fa0, 0x887b6757, 0xc3c3b197, 0xa3936fb9,
	0x37313131, 0xbfb66931, 0xb7c2c3c8, 0x47504f84, 0x7a543131, 0xc5b69f8e,
	0x6d959dbe, 0x625d575c, 0xc2a0917d, 0x9fc1c4c3, 0x3169b645, 0x48313c31,
	0xc3c2bdb5, 0x64a8c4c5, 0x31334f4e, 0x97805c38, 0xadc3c6b9, 0x4765929c,
	0x725a514f, 0xc3bfb38a, 0x91c3c3c4, 0x3153b431, 0x555e4c31, 0xc8c2c4a5,
	0x5bbec4c5, 0x31314c3b, 0x986f5f3a, 0xc1c3c6af, 0x4a62a5a6, 0x4d3e493b,
	0xbdb39379, 0xc3c4c3c4, 0x9a31a4c2, 0x41313165, 0xbec64c31, 0xc0c5c2bf,
	0x54476bab, 0x70363137, 0xc5bb8f6f, 0x92b2c1c5, 0x363f5480, 0x94624541,
	0xc5c5b5a7, 0xb6c4c3c3, 0xb04466a2, 0x5e313131, 0xb6c77a34, 0xafc5bfc3,
	0x4f514789, 0x714c3131, 0xc5c09d7e, 0x7eb2b7bf, 0x3c445b65, 0x8f635141,
	0xc3c3aa9a, 0xacb8bebb, 0x3166a1af, 0x313131b8, 0xb67f3c89, 0xbbc7bca4,
	0x4c4d92a4, 0x53313c5f, 0x9f917571, 0xafb4c0bd, 0x5d5075a6, 0x693a3847,
	0xafa5876c, 0xb3b8bbc0, 0xa79a9aad, 0x3645658c, 0x718b3931, 0xb5bcaf34,
	0xa0a5a0c0, 0x4a6d5d9a, 0x6d714e37, 0xb19f9486, 0x9ba7a8a8, 0x615a6b77,
	0x7169384b, 0xa5ad927b, 0x9eaab6aa, 0xa094979a, 0xb83187a0, 0x8c3f3131,
	0x92b94d36, 0x99b09ac8, 0x7b7563ad, 0x73554e3c, 0x9f90875b, 0xa1ada2a5,
	0x707d7b9b, 0x4966573f, 0x8c868661, 0xaaa6b0b3, 0x8c9192a0, 0x89969689,
	0x3179c131, 0x49357244, 0xbc878489, 0x80b0b2ab, 0x4974896d, 0x6658655c,
	0x97968f7d, 0x909fa8a5, 0x4f718084, 0x523e7149, 0xa7818976, 0xa3a6a4b6,
	0x86898a9f, 0x9893958e, 0x3ba2aa55, 0x39456254, 0x91708679, 0x93a8af9a,
	0x61849176, 0x5d5b6968, 0x8c877f79, 0x989da29a, 0x73819194, 0x6a4f6b70,
	0x87726555, 0x9da79189, 0x8d959caa, 0x8e818089, 0x6583928f, 0x5b5b31c9,
	0x9a553c75, 0xa280976d, 0x8f819d95, 0x71736594, 0x786b5d70, 0x9483807b,
	0x968e9491, 0x7b7e7e90, 0x6c5d6571, 0x84746073, 0x9fa48886, 0x8e939795,
	0x817d7c82, 0x8c989486, 0x543caf5d, 0x4f4c7a61, 0x868e7c8c, 0x8d999291,
	0x7270948e, 0x72667776, 0x807a7777, 0x8e8e8a8b, 0x84848f91, 0x76727c81,
	0x79676e76, 0x88816e79, 0x93998987, 0x878b918f, 0x827d7e83, 0x68978c80,
	0x665aa06a, 0x715b7974, 0x7e867381, 0x85958e91, 0x797b918b, 0x74707a7b,
	0x7b797977, 0x8a8a8789, 0x84858e8e, 0x77797f81, 0x7a767677, 0x8478747c,
	0x8a8d7a7d, 0x898c8881, 0x7f7e8480, 0x83807d80, 0x8e8e8483, 0x7c7f7391,
	0x73786a69, 0x757c7365, 0x89897e7a, 0x868c8989, 0x7c817f80, 0x77797776,
	0x81807976, 0x86898681, 0x83868685, 0x787b7e7e, 0x79797676, 0x80807f7b,
	0x807b8680, 0x7b7f767b, 0x81857c7d, 0x84878782, 0x89858787, 0x7587918e,
	0x66626594, 0x845f6574, 0x8c818079, 0x8b8a8f8f, 0x7b7a7b8f, 0x776d707a,
	0x80797577, 0x8f878585, 0x8686888e, 0x77797b80, 0x76747375, 0x85837b7b,
	0x89888786, 0x80808486, 0x7979787c, 0x7c7b7877, 0x8583827d, 0x86868686,
	0x7d7e8183, 0x7978797b, 0x7e7b7979, 0x84848080, 0x83848486, 0x7b7c7e80,
	0x7b7a7b7b, 0x807f7d7c, 0x83838481, 0x80818384, 0x7b7c7c7e, 0x7c7b7b7b,
	0x8180807f, 0x81828282, 0x7e808080, 0x7c7c7c7e, 0x7e7e7e7c, 0x8181807e,
	0x81818181, 0x7f808081, 0x7c7d7e7e, 0x7e7e7e7d, 0x8080807f, 0x80818180,
	0x7e7f8080, 0x7d7c7c7e, 0x807e7e7d, 0x81818180, 0x7f808080, 0x7e7e7e7e,
	0x7e7e7e7d, 0x8080807e, 0x80808080, 0x7e7f8080, 0x807f7f7f, 0x807f7f7f,
	0x7f808080, 0x7e7f7e7f, 0x7e7e7f7f, 0x7e7e7e7f, 0x7f7f8080, 0x7f7f7f80,
	0x80808080, 0x807f8080, 0x7f7f8080, 0x7e7f7e80, 0x7f7f7f7f, 0x7f7f7e7f,
	0x7f7f7f7f, 0x80808080, 0x7e7e8080, 0x7e7f7e7f, 0x7e7e7e7f, 0x7f7f7f7f,

Ok, now let's start with the real program. Start up the sound engine:

int main(int argc, const char** argv)
   // start the sound engine with default parameters
   ISoundEngine* engine = createIrrKlangDevice();

   if (!engine)
      return 0; // error starting up the engine

To make irrKlang know about the memory we want to play, we register the memory chunk as a sound source. We specify the name "testsound.wav", so we can use the name later for playing back the sound. Note that you could also specify a better fitting name like "ok.wav". The method addSoundSourceFromMemory() also returns a pointer to the created sound source, it can be used as parameter for play2D() later, if you don't want to play sounds via string names.

   engine->addSoundSourceFromMemory(memorySoundData, memorySoundDataSize, "testsound.wav")

Now play the sound until user presses escape.

   printf("\nPlaying sound from memory.\n");
   printf("Press any key to play, ESCAPE to end program.\n");

   while(true) // endless loop until user exits
      // play the sound we added to memory

      if(getch() == 27)
         break; // user pressed ESCAPE key, cancel

   engine->drop(); // delete engine
   return 0;

And that's all. Now you can play sounds directly from memory.
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