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Image Slideshow pic size best quality

Registered User
2023-09-23 23:56:31

Is there a special size for an image in the image slideshow. I want it so it doesn't take up the whole screen top to bottom. I just want to be able to set the size of the images.

Registered User
2023-09-24 05:31:36

It adjusts itself according to the page width. So it depends.

Registered User
2023-09-24 17:10:34

I see what you mean. But I was hoping to set the height and width manually. I prefer full width and a manually set height. Is there a way this could be added to the program?

Registered User
2023-09-24 17:27:42

I was hoping to set the height and width manually. I prefer full width and a manually set height.

You can set the width (as % of the parent element's width) but apparently not the height. At least not as an property entry. But you can drag the bottom border of the slideshow up or down to find an appropriate height.

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