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Slideshow Improvement Proposal

Registered User
2023-09-24 14:22:02

Over the past couple of days I was trying hard to set up a slideshow to present a mix of landscape and portrait orientation images, all to be displayed at same size, i.e. portrait orientation images at let's say 700px height, so landscape orientation images at 700px width. I finally gave it up. It just doesn't seem to be possible with the slideshow insert as is.

After all, I've got my slideshow, but that's only because I made the decision to use only landscape orientation images, all with same aspect ratio, and after dragging the bottom border of the slideshow insert in a trial-and-error manner until I got a nice and clean looking output (no cropping, no empty space below the images).

So here is my proposal for improvement:
-> The slideshow insert should have a square background by default.
-> ImageAdjusting should be "Fit to background width/height, whichever applies" by default.
-> ImageAdjusting should be "Centered" by default.
-> Users would specify Size as percent of parent element, whereas height would be "auto" by default.

2023-09-25 09:20:42

Yes, it's supposed to be used with same sized images or at least with the same aspect ratio. Will see if this can be improved a bit.

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