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additonal folder to rc_image

2023-10-19 09:51:12

Dear all,
I am new with webdesign and are working with RC 5.2
It is more easy in the major case, than expected. Thanks for this.
One question : I created a web page with some pictures, stored in rc_image. Now I added a page for PDF Files, to serve the visitor with some documents as service page. I now want to store the PDF in their own folder instead of rc_image.

By publishing the webpage RC placed the PDF automatically in rc_image. This I feel not so convenient because the folder getting overloaded and the administration of the files will getting more and more confusing.

How can I use an separate folder for PDF, without change the HTML file after publishing?

Thanks for your time
Best regards - Dietmar

2023-10-19 10:18:58

Yes, most binary files like images and linked downloads are stored in that folder.

If you don't want your .pdfs to end up there, just upload them to a folder you like manually, and then link them in RocketCake with the URL instead of pointing to the file on your disk.

Registered User
2023-10-19 11:32:23

Some more detail on this. Assuming your folder for the PDFs calls "docs", and you are going to place it on the server next to the HTML page containing the links, then you must specify the links like this:

-> mark the text string
-> insert (or edit) hyperlink
-> instead of "file from disk" select "website"
-> enter "docs/myfile.pdf" (without the quotation marks)

To check already in Preview whether your links work, place a copy of that folder into your preview folder. Under Windows that's typically C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/Temp/rocketcake_preview/

2023-10-19 19:42:57

Thanks a lot,
It works
Best regards

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Feature Code
Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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