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Texture blending

Registered User
2023-10-24 06:38:40

Hey, I have noticed that when we paint texture in coppercube then it blends or mixes with other textures around it. For example:- if you have yellow texture and then you paint red texture then it mixes some point and create orange texture in between. So, how to turn it off means that texture should not blend or mix with other textures?

Registered User
2023-10-27 16:57:23

I had the same problem and after a while i find out that it depends on the the color of the texture tiles you combine.
Try to use only seemless colors.
Try to mix the tiles with the similiar colors.

Registered User
2023-10-27 16:59:32

Here is an example of 6 different texture tiles that is need blended.

Registered User
2023-10-27 17:01:54

Test your textures before on a flat plane together. So that they work correctly. When you paint in your project and you get some worse outcome it could be painfull to remove all the textures witch make trouble.

Registered User
2023-10-28 11:10:09

So everyone here according to you all it's not possible to completely turn off texture mixing somehow. The only solution is to use same type of textures?

Registered User
2023-10-28 16:47:16

What you mean with same type of textures?
You can paint what you want.

Could you show me a screenshot of your problem?

Registered User
2023-11-06 14:58:22

Any answer? Or was it for the litter box?

2023-11-13 03:46:03

I have been working on this area lately...especially for transparent alpha materials - they all blend together nicely but sometimes you want one of them to stand out better and not be so blended.

To get around this you can change the vertex colors or even just change the Ambient color property (using hex values) to have it stand out better.

To stand out a lot then change the Emissive (using hex values) and will brighten up a lot as much as you like.

To get the hexadecimal value using this function:

var hexCode = function (rgb) {
hex = Number(rgb).toString(16);
if (hex.length < 2) {hex = "0" + hex;}
return hex;};

example code to update Ambient color (for Emissive change "Ambient" to "Emissive"):

ccbSetSceneNodeMaterialProperty(cloudN, 0, "Ambient", hexCode(Math.round(sunColR)) + hexCode(Math.round(sunCol)) + hexCode(Math.round(sunColB)));

You only need the Math.round in there if you are dealing with decimal values. If whole numbers then not needed. Decimal value RGB values do not update until next whole number is found....

2023-11-13 07:25:19

You could possibly also use Hadoken's decal plugin for this - it would allow you to stamp textures onto the terrain and rotatethem in any given direction for a road-system (for example).

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