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Table shows lot's of empty space

Registered User
2024-01-11 21:18:01

On I have a container with 3 light blue tables in it, each with 1 row and 3 columns.

The first tow tables are OK. The third table has some text in it.
For some reason the height of the table is huge and a lot higher than necessary.

The page source shows a height of 455px, which is much too high.

Where can I set the required height for this table?

I need to fix this a.s.a.p,, as the current situation is very ugly.

Regards, Gerrit

NB: using the PRO version 5.2

Registered User
2024-01-11 23:54:34

The same happened to me. Not apparent solution.
My workaround:
1.- First click on VIEW->Show invisible characters and check if any return exists then delete it.
2.- If table is inside a container (recomended) set container MinHeight property to none.
Test the table.

If condition persist then I recommend to use:
with this free online tool you can design tables easily, when finishing click on "copy to clipboard" button.
Back to RC Add an html code object into the page and paste into it the code generated from and thats all, save and test.
Note: The generated code use fixed size for colums, you can make it responsive easily changing the table and columns width from pixels to percent units.
I use this generator very often.
You can see example here:

I hope this can help you.

Registered User
2024-01-12 13:21:11


First of all thanks for confirming I didn't make a huge mistake and there is a serious BUG somewhere in the software.

For now I copied the html code for the "wrong" table into a HTML container and edited the TD HEIGHT.

I'm still not satisfied with this "solution" as it's not 100% responsive any more. On a pc it looks fine, but on my iPhone the columns are incomplete. I will continue working on this.

Regards, Gerrit

Registered User
2024-01-12 13:32:14

I don't think it's a good idea using tables for layout purposes. Did you try Container with Columns instead?

BTW: Your navigation menu switches to mobile too late, i.e. only when the 2 right-hand items "Extra" and "Contact" are already cropped and no longer visible.

Registered User
2024-01-12 13:40:30

Hi Micaelo,

No, I have no ide where or how to add Columns to my container.

Where do I find this?

Regards, Gerrit

NB: Where the columns you mention may offer a solution, tables are valid HTML idems. They can work, in fact I expected them to work.

Registered User
2024-01-12 14:07:53


Update: I now have a main container, with 9 containers in a grid (3x3) like a table with 3 rows and 3 columns.

This works and is responsive, but is a lot more work than just creating a table.

Perhaps I have to get used to using workarounds like this?

Regards, Gerrrit

Registered User
2024-01-12 14:12:44

Hi Gerrit,

"Container with Columns" is the third element in RC's Toolset. Just drag it into the editor, set the number of columns you want, and specify the columns' minimal width.

Yes, tables are valid HTML items, and they can work, but it's hard to anticipate how they will work. If you reduce the width of your browser you will see that as of a certain width the empty space disappears. No idea why, but -for me- a good enough reason for not using tables for layout purposes.

Registered User
2024-01-12 14:24:34

I now have a main container, with 9 containers in a grid (3x3) like a table with 3 rows and 3 columns. This works and is responsive, but is a lot more work than just creating a table. Perhaps I have to get used to using workarounds like this?

It's not just a workaround. It's current best praxis and also recommended with regard to barrier-free webdesign.
See also RC's help file on tables:

Registered User
2024-01-12 15:05:57

Hi Micaelo,

OK, thanks for this information.

Regards, Gerrit

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