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is this possible?

Registered User
2024-01-16 21:56:49

So I have this idea for a game and I'd like to know if this is possible or not. I make voxel models and I want to make a game where you a lumberjack, I was wondering if the spot the axe hits the tree could break away where it's hit and if you destroy everything underneath a part of the tree where the tree is broken at the top will fall.

Registered User
2024-01-16 23:32:39

yes, it's possible.

Registered User
2024-01-17 05:48:16

How would I go about doing that?

2024-01-17 06:40:21

You can try the geometry or polygon editing API to do so.
Get the vertices, and then split them into individual models and so On, depending on the model and the amount of vertices, it might be performance heavy but is do-able.

Registered User
2024-01-17 12:33:26

Hi paperbag, I'm not sure what you mean by voxel models, could you send a screenshot with example?

As far as I understand, voxels are actually used to simplify physics in games. The thing is that you store information about your world in a 3d matrix like x*y*z. On rendering each voxel gets a visual representation based on the position inside this matrix.

Basically, you need to do the following: write a "physics" engine, which supports tree cutting simulation in a way you want and then find the way to display that simulation properly, and then write a rendering function which will display voxel on the screen.

Tbh, I would just take some sort of shortcut, like making modular tree models, and then adding an ability to destroy certain parts of it, so the rest parts falls on the ground using some simple procedural animation.

But if you're looking for a complex simulation, you obviously need to think about physics simulation first.

Also why make a game about tree cutting? It seems a bit boring, maybe you should change the concept a bit like: lumberjack survival game, there all forest animals turn into zombies, or lumberjack dating simulator there you need to seduce other lumberjacks? Or a combination of both - that would be a fun game concept and much easier to make.

Registered User
2024-01-17 22:43:26

Well there is going to be other stuff in the game where you buy better equipment and an open world

Voxel models like magicavoxel

@just_in_case that is what I was thinking and it’d be a big map with allot of voxels so I don’t think it would run well

2024-01-18 04:53:52

Ooo I missed that you want to create a voxel based game, and not an actual high poly tree.

it will be easier to do this then, you can use the method used in "CopperCraft", I believe it's a voxel-based game, and it allows you to chop trees down, what it does is, it removes the targeted cube, from the tree bark and the rest of the tree remains there.

It is by far the best game created programmatically in Coppercube. So you can try using the same method, and instead of letting the tree remain in the same position, you can make it in such a way that the rest of the tree will fall down.

Here is the link to the CopperCraft game if you want to try it out.

hope this will help you a bit.

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