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Comment Form (.php)

Registered User
2011-07-22 03:22:16

I followed the instructions - to the letter - to make a .php contact page and it looks fantastic. The problem is that when I hit "submit" the page goes straight to a dead link / 404 page. Is there a way I can redirect the page to a "Thanks for your feedback" page after a user hits the "submit" button? Or, at the very least, send them to the home page? I can't figure out how to get past the dead link thing. On my website I have the comment page set up properly, and it is accessed by someone clicking on a "contact us" hyperlink.

Also, although this is not as much of a problem yet, I might as well mention it. I can fill out the contact form and it seems to be sent before the page goes to the dead link / 404 page, I still have yet to receive those messages in the email account I specified. The last time I tried was about 20 minutes ago, perhaps it takes longer, I don't know.

Any help would be much appreciated.

2011-07-22 07:21:36


the page will go to the contact.php page once pressed submit. Maybe you simply didn't name your page 'contact.php'? (Note that there is not .html at the end of it. Or if you changed the name of the file, be sure that the same name must be inserted into the 'Action' property of the form field.
If you cannot find the problem, you can also send me your .wspd file, and I'll have a look at this. If the page goes to a 404 page, and the page does not print 'Thanks for contacting us.' as it should, then no email will be sent.

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Possible Codes

Feature Code
Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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