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WebsitePainter 1.5.1 released

2011-10-14 10:36:43

A new version of WebsitePainter is available now, version 1.5.1. This is only a very small update with some bug fixes and tiny improvments. Also, it adds a bosnian and a polish translation to the editor. As always, this update is free for existing users.

Get the new version here:

Detailed changes:

- Improved the HTML syntax highlighting speed on Mac OS X
- Added bosnian translation
- Added polish translation
- It is now possible to use multiple navigation menus on the same page.
- Fixed a bug causing a crash when pasting elements with images into invalid positions of layoutcontainers
- In preview mode, php code won't be displayed anymore in the local browser.
- IFrames now have a controllable border style
- Fixed a bug causing HTML encoded entities written out in PHP code sections under certain circumstances.

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Possible Codes

Feature Code
Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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