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Low-Pass Filter extension to ISoundEffectControl

Registered User
2013-12-11 04:36:14


I've been messing around with IrrKlang as a replacement for XACT (XNA's default audio engine) in a personal project of mine, and was wondering if it's possible to create a low pass filter as an extension to the ISoundEffectControl interface?
Would it be best to access the waveform of a single ISound and transform the bit stream through a function, or is there a better way to do it?

Thanks in advance.

2013-12-11 08:18:18

No, sorry, AFAIK there is no way to do that currently. But yes, if you want to access the wave file before playing, this could be done: You can get the sample data from an ISound (SampleData property), do your filtering and create a new sound source from it, using AddSoundSourceFromPCMData.

Registered User
2013-12-13 00:50:54

Thanks for the quick reply. I've been trying to do as you suggested, but when using the code:

ISoundSource src = engine.AddSoundSourceFromFile(@"..\..\Melody.ogg", StreamMode.AutoDetect, true);
ISoundSource modified = engine.AddSoundSourceFromPCMData(LowPassFilter(src.SampleData, 6000, 1, src.AudioFormat.SampleRate, src.AudioFormat.ChannelCount), "Melody", src.AudioFormat);

The src.SampleData field always results in a nullReferenceException, despite 'src' loading and being able to play correctly. What am I doing wrong whereby I can't access the SampleData property as you recommended?

Registered User
2013-12-13 16:13:25

I think getting the PCMData doesn't work for streamed files. You could try to force it not to be streamed, though.

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