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More sound effects in the future?

Registered User
2014-07-15 17:10:47


I'm working on a (side-scrolling) game and I'm currently implementing irrKlang Sound Effects for the music & sounds to modulate the output depending on the player location and its surroundings. It works pretty good so far, for instance using reverb for small corridors and ParamEq and chorus for damped water sounds but I cannot help and feel that there are missing some options to realize remaining or other effects.

For example with the current sound effects set I cannot think of a way to implement "noise" and "smooth distortions" to realize (what I have in mind which I sadly cannot put into words) the effect of close-by electricity or similar dangers.

I am no musician and I sadly cannot say explicitly what I feel is missing but I will/ would know it when I see or hear it.

Are there any plans to add some more sound effects in the future?


Registered User
2014-07-15 18:41:28

I don't know if it's possible but it would be cool to be able to fade in/ dry-wet-mix all effects as it does not seem to be possible for Distortion, Gargle and maybe more.

Maybe some effects would be useful that dampen/ smooth the whole sound (/ the music on explosions) or that allow to individually modulate low/ mid/ high tones.

2014-07-16 12:09:18

for the effects, irrKlang uses the built-in DirectSound effects, basically. No further effects are planned, unfortunately.

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