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how to merge all models in my scene and make it only one model...

gangnam guy
2017-04-12 08:43:30

Hey, how to merge all models to make a single models ... So that if i move any single model , or rotate it.. all the models will rotate and move automatically....

Had tried putting them in a folder node and then tried scaling the folder node... But it doesn't seems to work well..

Registered User
2017-04-13 00:03:09

What you do is pick a peice of the model that will be your primary.. then all the other pieces just drag and drop to your primary piece., that will work kinda like adding them to a folder

gangnam guy
2017-04-13 10:26:54

If you were trying yo say that i should make the whole scene child node to a parent scenenode..... Then its not what am asking...

Because it will change the scale rotation or posiyion aytomatically of some of my models... I want to make a complete new 3d model by merging many models into one.. just like we do the join operation in 3d software to make 2 objects into one..

2017-04-14 08:06:35

Select one mesh, then goto the Polygon Editing tools, click the "tools button" and then "Merge selected mesh into another mesh".

Registered User
2017-04-18 04:02:33

Works great for me, I do it all the time

Registered User
2017-04-22 19:00:07

Is there like grouping in Coppercube ? without having to attach mesh.
Where you can group and ungroup like 3DS Max.

or some kind of parent child linkage system ?

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