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How to create a icon for imported model

Registered User
2022-12-05 01:12:57

I have been importing models as prefabs, but they do not have a icon. How do I create an icon for the imported model? Thanks.

Registered User
2022-12-05 01:30:28

So I read the manual and I would have to include my own. I wish there was a way to auto-create a .bmp file of the prefab. Is there a plugin or editor add on to do that?

2022-12-05 02:24:37

I tried using screenshots of the prefab and after a few you get tired of messing with it. What I do now is just make an icon for the type of prefab. Most of them are 3D meshes so I make a Mesh icon. Saves time. You don't need the picture icons. Too much hassle.

Registered User
2022-12-05 03:47:19

Other engines have this feature and they take a screenshot of the skinned mesh and resize it.

I guess if this was javascript, lua or python I could likely code it - which language are plugins made with? Javascript?

2022-12-06 01:49:20

Yeah, it's JS. Just thinking off the top of my head, it may be possible to write a program that changes the screen resolution to 32 x 32, positions the camera, then cycles through the scene nodes, taking screenshots of them. This wouldn't be a plugin, but a behavior/action that would require you to run the app. Might be worth a shot if you can't find another solution.

2022-12-06 03:06:42

Just noticed you can't change the screen resolution at runtime, so you would have to make a scene with the resolution you wanted. Unity has a free Icon Generator if you can run Unity 2017 and above. Here's a link:

I don't have Unity on this machine to test it out, so no clue if it's any good. Sucks to have to go to another engine for a solution, but it is what it is. The resolution of the pictures it takes is 128 x 128, so if you can't change that, you could use something like IrfanView to batch resize them. Just some ideas.

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