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can't import .mov or .mp4

2023-02-17 12:37:12

Hi there,
I'm not very experienced in web design but have to build a web site and chose RocketCake for this. Everything works fine except I can't import any H.264, AAC movie, doesn't matter with .mov or .mp4 extension. Doesn't matter too if I choose HTML5 Video from toolset and click into an empty container or straight on the page. What I'm doing wrong? Please can someone give me an advice?

Registered User
2023-02-17 13:29:31

What do you mean by saying "you can't import"? Do you get an error or similar?
You only need to select the file name. Then click "preview" and then you should be able to see the video in the website.
If it doesn't show up, look into the error console. Sometimes you maybe have a video with a codec which isn't supported by the browser. Maybe that's your problem then?

cyber am
2023-02-21 12:40:03

Hi Eric, sorry for the delay, I'd thought I'll get an email reminder that someone had responded to my message.
Well, when I click HTML5 Video in the Tool Set and then click on an empty website or into an empty container a window shows up with the HTML5 film strip as it should. But clicking on it, nothing happens. When I pull either a .mov or .mp4 file onto the film strip, my file jumps back to it's folder on my desktop. At one point, I don't know how I got an RocketCake 'Loading Failed' error message saying Error loading document '/file name . . . .mov, the doc is corrupted or is no Web Builder file. I then of course tried other files, but to no avail. All these movie files do run in Quick Time, Indiegogo, VCL or any other program I'd tried perfectly. Might it be it's just not working with the free Rocket version 4.8.? I'm running it on Apple Book pro under Mac OS Big Sure 1.7.

Registered User
2023-02-21 12:56:24

correction, I mean of course Apple OS 11.7

Registered User
2023-02-21 13:50:26

Drag a HTML5 Video element from the Toolset into the editor. Click into the empty "VideoFile name" field in the Properties window (bottom left in RocketCake). A file selection icon will pop up. Click on this to open your file explorer/finder. Find the video)* and click "open". This will specify the video file to be inserted.

Note: You won't see anything yet in the editor, but if you click Preview, the video should run in your browser.

)* Preferably, select mp4 format. That will work, whereas mov might not work, or may work but without audio. Even if you insert a Quicktime Video element rather than HTML5, you can't be sure that mov will work at the viewer's end. As far as I know playing mov files in the browser requires Quicktime plugin.

See here an illustration of how to insert HTML5 video and how to specify the video file:

cyber am
2023-02-21 14:26:24

Thank you for your detailed instructions. I forgot to tell you that the error code appeared when I also previously entered the .mp4 file next to the movie name in the property menu, that's when the error code appeared, I remember now.
Your other tips are very helpful, just I need to unwind the film first. Thanks a lot for this. But what can I do now? I also tried the Website Painter, unfortunately with the same result.

Registered User
2023-02-22 07:54:21

When you select the filename entry, there should be also a button with three dots on it: "...". Click that and select the movie file. Then it should work.

cyber am
2023-02-22 14:06:43

Glory to you, on Preview the .mo4 movie unwinds. Albeit, sorry to hustle you some more, without any tone. Then I did the same as with HTML5 Video but HTML5 Audio in the Toolset and clicked it on or outside the movie strip and hit Preview again, but to no avail. Logically I'd thought it should be in the same container as the movie ist but It didn't matter when I clicked on or inside the movie window. I just produced the movie handles. Also checking play in the Properties sound doesn't hear in Preview. Think you can help me some more?

2023-02-22 15:58:55

Correction: it’s .mp4 movie in my previous message

2023-02-23 07:06:28

Audio only plays in browsers when the user interacts with the website before, like clicking on the play button. Autoplay isn't available for normal websites, only special websites like youtube are allowed to do this. That's probably the problem?

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