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Some images referenced from APPDATA/local/Rocketcake/templatedata directories

Registered User
2023-02-23 11:01:02

Hi Niko,

I just noticed that RC references some (but not all) of the images in my RCD file from a directory in %APPDATA%/local/Rocketcake/templatedata/<name-of-RC-file>/ directory.

I don't remember that I ever made my RCD file a template or created that specific directory.

So I am wondering why and under what circumstances RC puts files (images) there?

I believe you mentioned somewhere that the RCD file actually incorporates all the image files.


Registered User
2023-02-23 11:51:47

RocketCake creates the bold part of the below path if you open a pre-designed RocketCake template.

If you use a template and build it further to your own project and save this, all images will be in your project's rcd file, including those which are (also) located under the above path.

The logic behind this is: If you start from a pre-designed template which already includes images, meaning images which you yourself have not inserted, these images must be referenced otherwise.

2023-02-23 12:04:34

Yes, this will also happen if you open a .rcd file with images which cannot be found anymore, so it creates a copy into there, so that you can open and edit the image still.

Registered User
2023-02-23 12:25:48

niko wrote:
"if you open a .rcd file with images which cannot be found anymore, ..."

How can that happen? If I have saved a project into the rcd file the rcd will include all images. I could delete the images' source location if I wanted, and still would get back the images if I re-open the rcd and publish.

Registered User
2023-02-23 12:51:32

Hi niko,
I think that's what happened. I moved some image files to another directory. So is it safe to delete those images in the template directory as they are also contained in the RCD file?

I started my RCD from an empty page, so can't be another template.


2023-02-23 13:25:33

"if you open a .rcd file with images which cannot be found anymore, ..."

How can that happen?.

I meant when the source cannot be found anymore.

So is it safe to delete those images in the template directory as they are also contained in the RCD file?

Yes, you should be able to delete them, but be sure to close RocketCake before, just to be sure.

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