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robolab demo

Sam Grady
2023-04-16 21:43:42

small project for coppercube abstract jam by XANDRA??


Registered User
2023-04-16 22:17:25

holy the screenshots looks just fine

Sam Grady
2023-04-16 22:40:46

demonnoteternal i'm big fan of first Quake so i try make some game in this style and hope to finish it one day

Sam Grady
2023-04-16 22:49:18

funny cuz i joined to Quakelike jam and trying to work on shooter but realize im bad at enemy ai and forget about jam, but on this one i thinking about some platformer and then understand, i can create game i dream of

2023-04-16 23:58:02

@Sam Grady, very well done! Loved the look and atmosphere, especially the stairs were a great surprise, thanks for the experience. Guess we might also thank Sven for his password protected doors extension or did you use an alternative logic of yours? Your skills to implement appealing game mechanics and environments are impressing. Keep it up, Congratulations!

Sam Grady
2023-04-17 00:34:42

hadoken all write by myself and was very funny see his extension right after i end with code))) remember this happen when i upload minimap and after Sven upload his minimap, sometimes i work on code and see on forum Sven done same things (with different code) so i love this guy))) but yes i use only my own code

Registered User
2023-04-17 06:39:38

Hi @Sam Grady

The game looks amazing! Wish you could join the jam earlier to see more of it ready.

With every new entry I feel like I just wasted time with my game:)

Registered User
2023-04-17 08:06:33

N O Y O U D I D N ' T, your project is good

Registered User
2023-04-17 08:09:00

me too dude! your style is awesome, GREAT JOB, best visuals on this jam
Sam Grady wrote:
demonnoteternal i'm big fan of first Quake so i try make some game in this style and hope to finish it one day

Sam Grady
2023-04-17 16:27:18

okeoke wrote:

With every new entry I feel like I just wasted time with my game:)

didn't see your game but hundred percent sure it's not waste of time

Registered User
2023-04-17 17:17:52

here you go
it's actually cool

Sam Grady
2023-04-17 17:57:56

okeoke holy is your, man last year i work on my sister laptop but then lot stuff change and now i lost all my data and lose you, dude how is going with sheep game, with this war all goes wrong

Sam Grady
2023-04-17 18:05:27

okeoke and yeah this game is masterpiece, i fall in love with this puzzle

Registered User
2023-04-18 09:02:51

Thank you guys:) I still believe every game looks better than mine. My only advantage is that I managed to fit in more features in.

@Sam Grady hope you are safe and fine as possible in current situation.

I postponed the sheep game a bit:) In short, I was improving the steering and "updated" it to the point it's not fun anymore. My original implementation is buggy - the car bumps into the air sometimes if it runs into the sheep. This is somehow getting worse with a lower frame rate. And the new implementation- I'm using webgl version in order to add 3rd party js physics library, and pack everything to exe with electron - the physics is too realistic and not fun. So I started to work on some other stuff. I still want to get back to that game, but not now. I believe, it's the most fun one I've ever made:)

Also I see that the hud in my new game isn't shown correctly on your screenshot. Could you please tell what resolution are you using?

Sam Grady
2023-04-18 13:45:11

okeoke i still hope this game be done cuz your idea is good and easy (thats what i like in games), so why you not make own car physics

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