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Coppercube multi core light bakes

2023-09-12 14:59:28

Coppercube light bakes seem to only utilize one core, this is great until light bakes take 5+ hours on my AMD Ryzen 9, Is there a way to enable multicore support for Coppercubes light baking model.

CPU usage maxes out at around 7% and it would be great to get a lot more out of it.

2023-09-13 09:37:25

Seems to be not so easy, if not impossible.
See this discussion:

It boils down to the parallelizability of the program. If the nature of the app allows it, you could try to modify the source, pretty much rewrite it. Too much trouble I think.

What I never really tested, but should, is, if I hide some parts that are already lightmapped, will it be faster when I lightmap the rest again, and will the lightmaps of the hidden parts be preserved, so I could then always lightmap only those parts that I have changed.

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