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Layout Container

Registered User
2010-11-20 19:56:09

I have created a Layout Container and within that container have inserted
a Text element. I decided to delete the Text element and found that it is
difficult to do without deleting the Layout Container that it is within.
I select the Text element, get the dashed box with the four arrows,
white box at the upper left side. I select that box by right clicking
and have selected "Cut" and "Delete" and both actions cause the
entire Layout Container to delete.

Is there a way of doing it that I am missing?

I like the basic outlay of the Element Browser but it seems to be limited
to display only qualities. If I could select an item within the Element
Browser and delete it from there that would be nice.

....or am I missing something all together since I am new at using


Registered User
2010-11-20 22:24:12

Maybe selecting the 'Show Object outlines' option helps you a bit seeing which element you selected, can be sometimes difficult when using layout containers. With the Element browser, I do it this way: Select the element in there, then click on its selected arrow icon in the website, then delete it using the delete key.

Registered User
2010-11-23 19:44:52

Thanks Erik!

By the way...when I select "Show Object Outlines" I don't see any
thing different on my page except for when I actually click on the
item I am wanting to work this how it should work?
Or should I immediately see outlines of all objects on that page
regardless of whether I select or not?

Thanks for your help,

2010-11-24 07:13:20

You should see the outlines immediately of all objects. It's a bit strange that you doesn't. Maybe you could send me your file and I have a look at it.

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Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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